The Sokal Affair - Now a Double Affair.
(Stale news from 1998)
1. The background: A physicist's experiments with the post-modern dogmas of social science.
2. The Impostures intellectuelle - Fashionable Nonsense - Eleganter Unsinn
3. A critique of the critics: those critical physicians made the same mistakes in philosophy as the uncritical philosophers in physics.
5. Summaries of the chapters of Fashionable Nonsense - German only: "Eleganter Unsinn" (Zusammenfassungen)
1. The background. Recently
Alan Sokal an American professor of physics at the University
of New York proved by a simple experiment that antirealism, relativism
and anti-objectivism are nowadays handled as postmodern common wisdom
and are proliferated with great eagerness. The interest in this postmodern
ideology is great enough to sacrifice scientific honesty. Especially if
a physicist is ready to support postmodern ideas members of the social
sciences will be inclined to accept articles even if they are peppered
with absurdities. All this happened when Alan Sokal gave his text Transgressing
the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity
to Social Text (see Social Text 46/47, pp.217-252, spring/summer
Later he revealed his text as a hoax in: A Physicist's Experiments With Cultural Studies in: Lingua Franca, May/June 1996, pp. 62-64. Otherwise he possibly would have become the new guru of postmodernism. Recently I translated this text into German language see E-journal Sic-et-Non - hjn
2. The book of Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont
Paris (Odile Jacob) autumn 1997
Enlightening insights into the philosophical workshops of Jacques Lacan, Julia Kristeva, Luce Irigaray, Bruno Latour, Jean Baudrillard, Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, and Paul Virilio. Sokal/Bricmont: "....But what exactly do we claim in our book? Neither too much nor too little. We show that famous intellectuals such as Jacques Lacan, Julia Kristeva, Luce Irigaray, Jean Baudrillard and Gilles Deleuze have repeatedly abused scientific concepts and terminology: either using scientific ideas totally out of context, without giving the slightest empirical or conceptual justification -- note that we are not against extrapolating concepts from one field to another, but only against extrapolations made without argument -- or throwing around scientific jargon to their non-scientist readers without any regard for its relevance or even is meaning. We make no claim that this invalidates the rest of their work, on which we are explicitly agnostic."
The book is now translated into English and German:
Postmodern Intellectuals' Abuse of Science
New York (Picador) 1998
Eleganter Unsinn - Wie die Denker
der Postmoderne
die Wissenschaften
München (C. H. Beck) 1999
Even if I agree completely with this successful criticism of postmodern misuse of science I have to blame the authors of serious faults.They also are stumbling into the realm of philosophy without knowing much. They repeat just those mistakes which they are critisizing so sharply if done by others. And their critique - let me stress this - was accurate, intellectual, and scientific.
Neverthelesse in the chapter about Popper without knowing much they are talking much. They are talking a lot of nonsense about Karl Popper. Popper as a life long fighter against relativism was made a kind of unwillingly grandfather of relativism. (The fathers are Kuhn and Feyerabend; in this point we agree.) He is made responsible of the faults of Kuhn and Feyerabend. Rubbish. It seems to be another hoax. But our authors did not intend to make another hoax. They just stubled into it. They did not know what the were writing.
I had some emails about this topic with Alan Sokal, but he seemed being not too much impressed of my criticism. Because I feel the scientific habit of philosophy is at stake (philosophy is no science but it should urgently brought back to behave scientifically), I wrote about all of this stuff in CONCEPTUS No. 80 (2000):
Summary. "Ambiguities and inadequacies in Popper's epistemology combined with stubborn denial of the method of confirmation in science are to have provoked exaggerated criticism and thus the postmodern relativistic irrationalist drift. The physicists Sokal and Bricmont gave their criticism import, because in the same book they present competent and laudable critics of the irrational abuse of science in the writings of postmodern French thinkers. In addition they seem to confront Popper's epistemology with the actual doing of real scientists. Unfortunately they neither do reveal their new inductive method nor let us learn which problem is solved by it, for physics can manage without any inductive method. It will be shown that Popper was not "taken literally" and what he is alleged to have meant (meanwhile a cliché petrified during several decades) he has not. The refutation of the renewed criticism of Popper is combined with a comparison of the quite different standards in physics and philosophy. Finally some proposals are made in order to transfer the scientific standards of physics into philosophy." - Hans-Joachim Niemann, Die "Krise in der Erkenntnistheorie" - Sokal, Bricmont und die wissenschaftlichen Standards in der Philosophie, CONCEPTUS Nr. 80 (2000), in print.
4. Links 1998 WebPages about the sokal affair (if they yet work):
Alan Sokal Articles on the "Social Text" Affair
More connections to the Sokal discussion
Furor over Impostures Intellectuelles
1998 and 3.4.00. Hans-Joachim Niemann - back to the main menu