The Open Society Web of Hans J. Niemann
Political and scientific Philosophy for the 21th century based on
the problem solving methods of
Karl R. Popper, Hans Albert, and my own efforts in this field of research.
Publication list:
The gate to several of my Web&Wiki acitivites:
1. Critical
Rationalism Web Page
Introduction to Critical Rationalism, Karl Popper, in 30 lectures to CR,
my publication list,
about my books,
translations, lectures, scientific articles, and more
Hans Albert (*1921) is the leading German critical rationalist.
The complete publication list, his C.V., and more about H. A.
Popper and the Two New Secrets of Life
Including Karl Popper’s Medawar Lecture 1986 and Three Related Texts
Tübingen (Mohr Siebeck) July 2014, 157+vii pages.
The story of how humans and all living things came into existence is told in two widely believed versions: the
Book of Genesis and Darwin’s Origin of Species. It was the philosopher Karl Popper who presented us with a third story, no less important. His New Interpretation of Darwinism denies the creative power of blind chance and natural selection and establishes knowledge and activity of all living beings as the real driving forces of evolution. Thus, spiritual elements are back in the theory of evolution, and in Popper’s view "the entire evolution is an adventure of the mind."In this book, Hans-Joachim Niemann establishes Karl Popper as an eminent philosopher of biology. In the first chapter, biographical details are unearthed concerning how Popper’s biological interests were inspired by a biological meeting in the old windmill at Hunstanton in 1936. The second chapter focusses on the year 1986 when Popper, in several lectures, summarized the results of his life-long biological thinking. The most important of these, the Medawar Lecture given at the Royal Society London, was lost for a long time and is now printed in the Appendix. A new world view begins to emerge that is completely different from Creationism or Darwinism.
Twenty years after Popper’s death, the last chapter looks back on his biological thoughts in the light of new results of molecular biology. His then attacks on long-lasting dogmas of evolutionary theory turned out to be largely justified. The new biology seems even well suited to support Popper’s endeavour to overcome the gloomy aspects of Darwinism that have made organisms passive parts of a machinery of deadly competition. Neither blind chance nor natural selection are the creative forces of all life but knowledge and activity. How they came into existence is still a secret and a worthwhile research programme.
3. Encyclopedia
of Critical Rationalism (at present only in German)
Truth, democracy, induction, falsification, probability, ...
432 pages with about 1000 entries: concepts and arguments used by critical rationalists.
Several thousands of intern and extern references.
In German: Niemann, Lexikon des Kritischen Rationalismus, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen (2004, 2006)
Die Strategie der Vernunft
Problemlösende Vernunft,
rationale Metaphysik
und Kritisch-Rationale Ethik
2. verbesserte, erweiterte Aufl.,
306 Seiten,
Tübingen (Mohr Siebeck) 2008
Die Nutzenmaximierer - Der aufhaltsame Aufstieg des Vorteilsdenkens, Tübingen (Mohr Siebeck) 2011.
(meaning: The Utility Maximizers - The Resistable Rise of Selfishness)
Die Strategie der Vernunft,
Rationalität in Erkenntnis,
Metaphysik und Moral,
Braunschweig/Wiesbaden (Vieweg) 1993.
(1. Auflage)
I am also the originator of some WIKIBOOKS:
4. WIKIBOOKS Study Guide to the philosophy and literature of Hans Albert (at present only in German)
You all are invited to contribute what you kow about the works and impact of Hans Albert's philosophy.
The complete bibliography is installed, as is his intellectual C.V., and much more...
A lot of literature might be of some interest also for those not familiar with German language.
Originated by H. J. Niemann; until now available only in German ("Studienfuehrer Hans Albert" since Febr. 6th 2006)
See also
About Hans
Albert: the Entry (started by me) in the Englisch edition of Wikipedia
(at present only in German)
"Sei doch vernünftig!" now as PDF-file
(ca. 500 KB, licence of open documents: GNU
6. WIKIBOOKS Study Guide Norbert Hoerster
to the philosophy and literature
of Norbert Hoerster
Responsible: Dr. H. J. Niemann